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Joker: Folie à Deux image

Joker: Folie à Deux






138 min


While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur Fleck not only stumbles upon true love, but also finds the music that's always been inside him.

Joaquin Phoenix


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29 Reviews

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"This was such a fever dream. Lady GaGa is such a talent, and I love Joaquin Phoenix, but this was something else. Dueling reality is hard to portray. I admire the effort. Joker is an interesting character and always has been. This movie makes him gruesome and even more disturbing. I'm not an expert on DC or Joker or anything in this universe. All that aside, Lady GaGa really shows her vocal talent here. For reference: Folie à deux is a rare psychiatric condition in which a delusional belief is shared between two or more people who are closely related. The term translates to "madness for two" in French. It was coined in 1877 by French psychiatrists Charles Lasègue and Jules Falret. "



"Very beautiful cinematography, the visuals, lady Gaga, great as always. "


Daniella (she/her)

"Great look "


Elizabeth Sanders

"Good but it’s not something that you can rewatch the first was way better "

nick karlsons Avatar

nick karlsons

"I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone says it is. It’s pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. Could have done with less singing. "

Sarah Joubert Avatar

Sarah Joubert

"It's a shame this wasn't good as the first one, strayed too far from the previous film. The musical aspect of it seems forced and very off putting, overall a bad direction for the film."

Kenny Tai Avatar

Kenny Tai

"Todd Phillips decided to give us 5 minutes of the movie we wanted. The whole movie builds to the Joker coming into his own just for him to say nah and be a sad sack. Terrible decision "

Pacey Strickland Avatar

Pacey Strickland

"While this movie was visually stunning , the acting was amazing, and there were call backs to some memorable DC characters , the pacing was very very very slow. Just when I felt like the movie was gaining momentum it would lose its steam. A good follow up , but not as wonderful or memorable as the first . "

Charles Moore Avatar

Charles Moore

"Complex. Brilliant? Frustrating. A journey into madness or decent into self? Believe it or not, the music didn’t bother me - the melodies were pleasant to the ear. If you are expecting a “sequel”to JOKER, then you may be disappointed. Todd Phillips had something else in mind. Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix were phenomenal, and for those two reasons, this movie is worth the watch. If you willing to keep an open mind about it being a musical, which makes sense in the context of the story, then you are in for quite a ride. Even so, after watching, I’m left feeling… nothing… but maybe that was the point. If you are sick of the same old same old, Joker: Folie à Deux, breaks the mold for better or worse. Enjoy! "


Jonathan David Whitfield

"If you have concerns about this being a musical....I can tell you those concerns are valid. Let me be clear, it's not that the musical numbers are bad. In fact they all fit the scenes and are well done. The movie looks great. Some awesome tracking shots. Another great performance from Phoenix as Arthur and Joker. Are they one in the same or separate personalities? That's the question the ask and answer. The story is pretty bland, boring and not much happens in the over 2hr run time. The major problem here is no one asked for a musical. We wanted another story in the same tone and vibe as the first. Again...the music is fine but it just doesn't fit, messes up the pacing and grind things to a halt. Maybe if you didn't see the original you will enjoy this more. However I don't think many fans of the original will enjoy this. I was very disappointed. Please check out my podcast Mostly Low Budget Movies Reviews with Clarence for a full break down. On all streaming platforms. Link is in the bio. Thank you!"

Clarence Williams Jr Avatar

Clarence Williams Jr

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Joaquin Phoenix image

Joaquin Phoenix

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