94 min
Jay Hernandez
Derek Richardson
Eythor Gudjonsson
Barbara Nedeljáková
Jana Kadeřábková
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"Ugh! I hate what this movie did to horror in the 2000s sure saw started it but at least it had some sort of story and characters to root for (well kinda) this is not that, it was a chore to watch, being Gruesome for gruesome sake. An absolutely hollow movie with a core of Malice.. just like most of Eli Roth’s movies."
"What this movie made me realize if men are willing to pay for women and children to abuse, then of course some rich psycho would pay money for this. Would never watch again."
Linda Kelly
"The Shock The Gore Still Relevant"
Amy Santi
"7/10 Not for the squeamish. It's less scary and more gory. Felt there was a bit too much time spent on fluff info but overall not a bad watch. "
"Holy carp this is a slow burn horror. These guys have sex for the entire beginning and into the middle and it just dragged on. I will have to try and finish it later but I got to the decapitation scene and it felt so weak. Not worth it so far."
Red Reads
Annemarie Dupnick
"This is actually rather tame by today's standards but for the time it was pretty extreme. One of the first in the torture **** category. Eli Roth does a really good job of providing those really uncomfortable moments of gore. The story is pretty solid...men stay at a Hostel and are set up to be torture by rich people a part of this underground club. Not for the faint of heart if you are not used to extreme horror. Does have a satisfying ending although I think the original ending was better. If you want more details please check out my podcast Mostly Low Budget Movie Reviews with Clarence on all streaming platforms. Link is in the bio. Thank you!"
Clarence Williams Jr
"Or I can run into the other room and cover my ears until my husband says its safe. Ive done that before, but I feel bad cause then he has to watch it. "
Katie Wilson
"So good! Definitely not for the weak of stomach but if you’re a graphic blood and gore lover, it’s an amazing watch!"
Tessa Hill
"The idea is absolutely terrifying and when it got to the gore aspects it was so graphic. My only complaint is that a good 60% of it was just ****. Movie takes pace in red light district so it's overly sexual"
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Jay Hernandez
Derek Richardson
Eythor Gudjonsson
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